Exploring the depths of Leo’s traits brings the contrast of the evolved and unevolved side of Leo to light. As Leo rules the 5th House, the traits associated with Leo are creativity, boldness, and charisma. However, depending on one’s awareness and maturity, these traits can be shown in different ways. This article will explore the differences between the raw, untamed energy of an unevolved Leo and the refined, purposeful presence of an evolved Leo, providing insights into personal growth and a more harmonious life. Depending on where (and if) Leo is in your big 6* in your zodiac chart, this can show up in different ways!
*The “big 6” in Astrology refers to one’s Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, or Venus placement.

Being evolved means that one is more grounded and "mature" in a certain area of life. While being unevolved means that one may be out of balance or have more growth to do in a certain area of life.
The Ascendant (also referred to as one’s rising sign) is determined by the exact time that you were born. As this does change about every two hours, it’s important to have the correct, exact time! The time itself can help determine the degree of your Ascendant sign. The Ascendant is represented in your Astrology chart in your 1st House! The House of Self.
An evolved Leo Ascendant naturally radiates, has a confident charisma (that isn’t arrogant), and is great at uplifting those around them. When a Leo is evolved in this manner, it allows them to be more down to earth and to connect with people from all walks of life. There's a strong sense of self that this soul can bring into their leadership abilities to help guide others. Leo Ascendant’s have a generous and passionate spirit that they bring into their work endeavors and hobbies. With ease, this placement can use their light to guide and influence others.
An unevolved Leo Ascendant can tend to struggle with the need for validation and attention from others frequently. This can lend towards being seen in a more dramatic or self-centered manner. When unevolved, there can be a tendency to use their talents for personal gain instead of for entertainment and contributing, which in turn, causes friction in relationships with others. Behind the facade of overconfidence, can tend to be insecurities that aren’t being properly addressed and worked through.
The Sun in Astrology is seen as the center of everything, just as it is seen in our solar system! It represents your inner self, and can define aspirations and what you want from life. It can also be used to focus on the source of your vitality! Your Sun sign is determined by the day that you were born.
Leo Suns have a way of radiating their self-confidence, creativity, and ambitious nature. This placement will always do the right thing and naturally be seen while doing so. Part of their self-confidence comes from truly knowing themselves and understanding their purpose, as well as their worth. By using their natural creative talents, they can make a meaningful contribution and impact to the world around them.
If unevolved, you’ll notice any exposure to criticism will negatively impact their mood and can lead to a wounded ego and bad mood. Instead of coming off as confident, this can be perceived as arrogance. By being too focused on getting attention and recognition, their talents will be overshadowed by this. Only furthering the hurt ego. This version of Leo may find it hard to build deep relationships.
The Moon in Astrology is what can show us where we are more emotional and where our needs are. It can also provide one with what their emotional wants and powers are. Knowing this can provide more insight into ways to strengthen ourselves emotionally and know what to be mindful of for improvement! Additionally, the Moon is one of the most important aspects for children, as it shows what they need the most. The Moon is determined by the precise location of where it was in the sky when you were born.
An evolved Leo Moon has a very warm, and inviting presence to them. It allows a genuine want and connection to come through when interacting with others. They love to provide encouragement and emotional support to their loved ones that doesn’t waiver. This version of a Leo Moon has a great way at using their creativity in problem solving.
Subconsciously, unevolved Leo Moons have a deep level and need for validation, and attention. Additionally, this version of Leo can struggle with insecurities and having dramatic leaning outbursts when they’re triggered. As a result, they may be forgetting to consider emotional intelligence, connection, and empathy when talking to others.
The planet of communication, learning, and writing - basically anything that involves how the mind works! Since Mercury is closest to the Sun, it will also be in the same sign or within one sign away from your Sun sign.
There’s a strong confidence in a Leo’s communication when evolved. They’re able to captivate the room of others, pull people into the conversation, and make great connections. Their creativity and enthusiasm shows through in their conversations. Due to their creative side, they’re able to think outside the box and often have ideas that others may not have thought about.
The communication of an unevolved Leo can lean to be a bit over dramatic and focused on oneself. This ends up with trying to bring conversations back to themselves. Again, there’s a deep need for validation verbally from others here. It could also be noticed by others around them that the Leo native is not truly hearing and listening to those around them.
The planet of love and femininity! In one’s chart, this can show how they go about romantic relationships, and how they express/see beauty and artistry. Venus is determined by where it was in the sky when you were born. Venus is in one zodiac sign for about 30 days before moving into the next sign.
Leo Venus loves by entertaining others and having fun! There’s a deep craving for a relationship that is exciting, and can bring something different into their connection. There’s little hesitancy to share their attraction and interest in others while making them feel valued and appreciated. No need to worry about loyalty and empathy from this version of a Leo Venus!
When trying to involve romantic relationships or feelings of love with this version of a Leo Venus could be a struggle. You could notice that this native needs constant admiration and validation through seeking validation from their partner in a way that may be seen as needy. As a result, there’s a struggle to have balanced relationships which could lead to more drama then needed.
Mars rules over masculinity in Astrology! This planet is all about taking action, being assertive, and one’s impulses. Similar to Venus, Mars is determined by where exactly in the sky it was when you were born. However, it usually takes about two months in a sign before it changes to the next. It also goes retrograde about every 26 months, which is why it’s important to know your exact birth time!
Talk about an enthusiastic and energetic person! This native loves to inspire and actively goes out of their way to do so. When it comes to solving problems, they’re addressed head on with confidence. There’s a great sense of courage here with a deep want to help benefit those around them as well.
With the unevolved version of Leo Mars there could be an aggressive or dominating side seen when it comes to achieving their goals. This assertiveness can be seen as arrogance, or a desire to overshadow others in the pursuit to shine themselves. You may also notice a tendency to be impulsive or dramatic with their actions.
Want to know more about how different signs show up in your chart and how to grow within them? Book a reading!