The end of Summer is marked by the second full moon of the month of August, the Super Blue Moon, occurring in the sign of Pisces.
The celestial activity during this time is particularly spicy, with an abundance of planets in Retrograde, including Saturn Retrograde in the sign of Pisces – in conjunction with the Moon.
With Saturn in conjunction with the Full Moon, the Saturnian energies of structure, maturity, authority, and karma are particularly relevant for this transit.
This article will tell you all about how the Full Moon in Pisces will affect you, based on your Rising sign!

Aries Rising
If you’re an Aries Rising, you will be experiencing this Full Moon in your 12th house of mental health, hidden matters, and addictions. This Full Moon can put an ending on all things you need to let go, in order for you to improve your mental health. Furthermore, this could also bring an ending of an addiction, which can be anything you might feel attached to, and it is not serving you anymore. This is the perfect time to be introspective and look inward.
Taurus Rising
Taurus Rising will feel the effects of this Full Moon in the 11th house of networking, groups, and aspirations. If there are any friends in your social circle who are toxic, this is a perfect time to let go of them. Removing yourself from a social situation or networking group, or just putting more boundaries in place are also situations likely to happen during this event. Furthermore, this is a great time to let go of anything that is holding you back from achieving your dreams and aspirations.
Gemini Rising
This Full Moon will affect Gemini Risings in the 10th house of career, social status, and authority. There might be some chaos regarding your career, that will push you towards needing to show maturity. During this time, you might also reconsider your career choices and make changes regarding this part of your life.
Cancer Risings
If you’re a Cancer Rising, this Full Moon will affect you in the 9th house of traveling and higher education. There might be some blockages regarding travel plans or surrounding your education. With the Full Moon happening in the 9th house, any issues or breakthroughs during this time can result in gaining a lot of wisdom.
Leo Risings
Leo Risings will feel the effects of this Full Moon in the 8th house of shared finances, investments, transformation and intimacy. Therefore, there might be some roadblocks when it comes to your finances, or you might be taking some actions regarding this area of your life. Budgeting and strategizing will come in handy and will help you achieve your monetary goals. Furthermore, during this time you will learn to explore your vulnerability and your ability to be opened to new experiences.
Virgo Rising
If you’re a Virgo Rising, you will be experiencing this Full Moon in your 7th house of partnerships. During this time your love life will be in the spotlight, and you might find yourself having significant realizations surrounding this topic. If you’re unhappy in your current relationship, you might consider leaving or reconnecting with an ex. If things are going well in your current relationship, you might be thinking of new ways to elevate it further.
Libra Rising
Libra Risings will feel the effects of this Full Moon in the 6th house of health, coworkers, and routines. Your physical needs will take priority during this time, and you might be letting go of habits or patterns that are not serving your health and well-being. Your career can also be a focus during this time as you might be setting more boundaries with your coworkers or getting more work done.
Scorpio Rising
If you’re a Scorpio Rising, you will be experiencing this Full Moon in your 5th house of fun, creativity, dating, and children. During this time, you might be reconsidering unblocking your ex or reviewing your dating options. Furthermore, a creative project might come to an end, or you might be making structural changes in that area of your life.
Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius Risings will feel the effects of this Full Moon in the 4th house of home and family. During this time, more boundaries will be set in place with your family or in regard to your living situation. You might be also reconsidering moving out and relocating to a new home or even a new area/city.
Capricorn Rising
If you’re a Capricorn rising, you will be experiencing this Full Moon in your 3rd house of communication, writing projects, and community. During this time, you might be more critical of your creative/writing projects, which can lead to you making changes in your routine and the way you work. Situations regarding your neighbours might arise as well.
Aquarius Rising
Aquarius Risings will feel the effects of this Full Moon in the second house of money and income. You might be considering sticking to a stricter budget and finding better spending methods. Better financial strategies will also help you secure more wealth in the future.
Pisces Rising
If you’re a Pisces Rising, you’re the star of the show during this Full Moon, as it hits your 1st house of self and personality. During this time, there can be a lot of introspection regarding yourself and the things you need to let go of, or change, in order to become a better version of yourself. You might also be prone to making changes regarding your appearance.
If you're curious to see how the future transits will affect you, get a Birth Chart reading below!