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What is my deepest fear? How to deal with your Chiron placement

Writer's picture: Lorena CostinLorena Costin

Chiron is an asteroid which astrologically speaks of our deepest wound and what we are subconsciously afraid of. At the same time, Chiron may bring the key to major healing whilst connecting us to the spiritual realm as we accept our fears.

It is not the most comfortable placement to speak about - many clients have given me the side eye when mentioning their Chiron placement. The more you are in tune and aware of your emotions, the more likely you are to listen to your heart and hear your fears coming through. Those who have mastered the art of listening to their heart and exposing their sensitiveness to themselves and others are most likely to be aware of their wounds. On the contrary, you will see those running away from their fears, burying themselves in mundane activities or alcohol, constantly rejecting and running away from their heart. The more you are willing to work with your emotions, the more likely you are to ascend spiritually by dealing with your Chiron.

How do I read my Chiron placement?

You will need to pull out your natal chart and to look at both the House and Zodiac it falls in. If you haven't calculated your chart so far, you can do that online - you only need to provide your date, time and place of birth.

When reading your Chiron interpretation, look at both the interpretations for your house and zodiac. If the interpretations coincide (e.g. Chiron is in Aries in the 1st house), then it could be that there is a bigger emphasis on that wound.

From my own experience, the house interpretation of your Chiron is more accurate for you than the zodiac it falls in. However, keep both in mind and consider the bigger picture here. I also advise that you look for the aspects Chiron makes with other planets, or the planets present in Chiron's house to understand better which aspects of your personality may be affected by this placement.

1. Chiron in Aries / Chiron in 1st House

What is the wound?

Aries is all fiery energy, confident and impulsive, and 1st House is the house of self. When Chiron is in this placement, you are likely to have a wounded sense of identity and lack the "healthy dose" of assertiveness. You often find self-expression difficult - which leads to two types of behaviour: you are either pinning yourself down, afraid of stepping into your own power, or you impulsively do so but soon regret it. You will find at times that you are your own enemy - you may sometimes pin yourself down and be scared of situations where you have to lead others or assert yourself.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Working with yourself is the key to ascending spiritually and healing Chiron. Although some will say Chiron represents the unhealable injury, stepping into retrospection and practicing self-care will help the process. You need to look into your achievements and acknowledge your leadership and proactive skills that got you there, then encourage exercising them. Beware of over-criticising yourself and pinning yourself down. As with any healing process, you need to be patient and practice understanding with yourself and your most hidden needs. Willingness to heal and listen to your heart is the first step towards success!

2. Chiron in Taurus / Chiron in the 2nd house

What is the wound?

Chiron in this placement reveals a fear that, no matter how much you try, you won't achieve what you need to feel secure, especially financial security. You may feel as if money and other material possessions will be lost, and no matter how much more you try to work on keeping them, you will eventually lose them. There could be inheritance losses with this placement.

Venus is also the ruler of Taurus, which is all about beauty and physical beauty. You may also experience wounds related to your physical worth and your own body.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Practice self-acceptance thoughts and positive reinforcements. Where material possessions are lost, deep dive into why you are feeling this way. Underlying fears may hide beneath the fear of losing money. For instance, some people attribute their self worth to their material possessions, so losing these will lead them to feel as if they lost themselves. Also understand that we are capable of losing and rebuilding - although painful, rebuilding often brings extreme growth to oneself. By learning to trust and love yourself, you will shift the focus from material gains and to your own soul's growth.

3. Chiron in Gemini / Chiron in the 3rd house

What is the wound?

Chiron in this placement brings a fear of how others feel and hear you. You may feel as if your opinions aren't listened to and that others do not understand what you wish to communicate. You may either try to over-explain yourself, or give up on explaining altogether due to this fear. Overcoming this won't be easy, but something you need to do to unveil the creative mind and what it can achieve.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Exercise trust in yourself when communicating and sharing ideas. Misunderstanding may come from your unique way of processing information which is not understood by others. If you stand your ground, others will listen. Although it may feel uncomfortable, continue to speak candidly and confidently. You will be amazed at the results!

4. Chiron in Cancer / Chiron in the 4th house

What is the wound?

The themes of this placement revolve around early home life and your ability to nurture. With this placement, you may have felt as a child that your family had trouble handling their emotions, which may have led to conflicts. This led you to feel at times unsafe, or afraid of your home environment. Growing up, you will need to learn to accept this wound and work with it. Avoiding it will lead you to either be obsessively caring with others, or require a lot of attention from loved ones.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

If, when looking into yourself you discover a deep need to be nurtured, accepted and safe, there is a need to heal to avoid becoming needy later on as an adult. You can do this by practising self-love and by caring for your own self first. Acknowledge you are loved by those around you, and forgive those who have hurt you early on.

5. Chiron in Leo / Chiron in the 5th house

What is the wound?

Leo and the 5th house are all about the creative, fun aspects of life. When Chiron is found in this placement, you may feel as if your ideas or your creations will be rejected by those around you. You will also find yourself more sensitive to criticism of others, especially when it relates to your creative playful self. Sometimes, you may run from showing your opinions publicly, afraid that they will be rejected. However, your life lesson is to understand what is constructive criticism - which you may apply to better your work, and also that other people have less knowledge than you and are not in the right place to criticise you.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Learn to distinguish between constructive and hurtful criticism - embrace the first and dismiss the other. You should also allow yourself to exercise your creativity more, despite your instincts to stay back and under the radar. Once you let yourself create, have fun and embrace opinions of others constructively, you will thrive.

6. Chiron in Virgo / Chiron in the 6th house

What is the wound?

You may feel refrained from criticising others and also fear being criticised yourself. You are prone to take these very seriously, as you attribute critique to one's self worth. You may also experience persistent health issues - even chronic ones, as Chiron raises attention to the physical self. As such, the focus on most of your life will be on focusing your body. You will also need to focus on being of service to others, which may appear as a challenge to you.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Listen to your body and its needs to heal your physical wounds. Also embrace the idea that each person is in a continuous process of learning and that they are not defined by what they don't know yet. Embrace your resourcefulness as you can be of service to others, and accept yourself as you are - physically and mentally.

7. Chiron in Libra / Chiron in the 7th house

What is the wound?

If Chiron falls into your 7th house, you may feel as if relationships hurt you over and over again. You often attribute your self-worth in relationships, and impulsively look for partners that can fill the void inside of you. Seeking partners just to fill this void may end up in attracting unavailable people, which in turn will hurt you more. You also may have trouble maintaining balance in relationships and having a tendency to feel safe and balanced in unbalanced relationships.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Learn to have a loving relationship with yourself and to accept yourself for who you are. Once you have built a strong loving relationship with yourself, you won't feel an urge as strong to validate yourself through relationships with others. Also, allow yourself time to get to know the other person before fully jumping into partnerships to avoid getting hurt.

8. Chiron in Scorpio / Chiron in the 8th house

What is the wound?

With Chiron in this placement of depth and intimacy, you are sensitive to others' lies and betrayals, as well as minor hurts, when you trust others. Everyone is hurt by lies indeed, but you are affected by this on a whole new level - which may lead to trust issues, especially in love. This is ultimately related to deep emotional issues which, once dived into, you will discover a lot about yourself.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Although uncomfortable, you need to dive deep into your emotions when you feel hurt to experience the transformation effects of the Scorpio energy. Also make sure you address any trust issues you may have to allow for healthy intimacy in a relationship.

9. Chiron in Sagittarius / Chiron in the 9th house

What is the wound?

Sagittarius themes revolve around the quest for truth, higher education, religion and philosophy. If you have Chiron in this placement, you may have to continuously search for a cause to follow, but you can't commit to it. You may also feel a desperate need to explore spirituality. You have a nonconformist thinking, which may not sit well with others. You are able to bring new ideas to the table, but you will have to trust that your view is worthy and impactful for others.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Embrace the exploration of spirituality as great learnings will come from it. You have a unique gift for the 9th house themes, so do not lay back from sharing your knowledge with others as it can benefit them too.

10. Chiron in Capricorn / Chiron in the 10th house

What is the wound?

You tend to feel unappreciated in your work and as such, you never achieve the status that you wish you could. It may also be the case that you bring novel ideas to your work, but others do not understand them - if this is causing you to advance slowly in your career it will be a great source of frustration. You may also feel the burden of being responsible of other people in your life and thus establishing healthy boundaries may be an issue.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Find the courage to accept responsibility in your life and encourage others to do so too. Also remember that you are the only person who can truly respect yourself. You have the gift of making the world a better place, especially when you raise awareness of people's needs and sensitivity in the work place.

11. Chiron in Aquarius / Chiron in the 11th house

What is the wound?

You may have a harder time integrating in social groups. You often have innovative and unique ideas and do not like it when others don't share your goals.You may also experience disappointment and betrayals in friend groups, even in old age. An independent soul, you would rather keep your ideas to yourself than share them in a group as trust could be an issue in this environment.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

Embrace others' opinions, and avoid immediate rejection of others. Success is often the fruit of collaboration and rejecting it fully may let you fall behind. Remain aware of those deceptive but do not fully reject those with genuine intentions.

12. Chiron in Pisces / Chiron in the 12th house

What is the wound?

Other people's suffering is easily absorbed by you, leading your psyche to be heavily influenced by the energies around you. Compassion and need to heal others may fill you completely, leading you to feel responsible to drive this healing. You will only be able to heal yourself when you elevate yourself to the spiritual realm and embrace the spiritual world and yourself fully.

How to work with Chiron in this placement?

You may help others but beware of draining your own energy into this work. Also embrace spirituality or religion in your life. Although it might seem difficult, it will help in your mission to heal yourself and others.



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