We help YOU understand YOUR potential
Ever wondered why you are here? What you came here to learn and experience? What you are best at?
We help you understand your potential from an empathic and encouraging perspective.
Your chart is a snapshot of the planets at the moment of your birth, as seen from your place of birth.
Here's what they can tell you:
1.Your gifts
It can show what you are good at and where your need to channel your energy to succeed in life.
The ideal career and source of money is also seen here.
2.Why you are here
Everyone has a personal soul purpose. You may be here because you need to learn empathy. Or to experience social recognition. Or to open up to spirituality!
What's your soul purpose? I can help you find out.
3.Your healing work
We all have a wound or shadow that we have come here to address. Whilst the challenges you encounter in life are a generally good indicator of your wounds, the chart can help clarify how and what you are healing.
4.Where you stress too much
There is an area of life you tend to overstress about. What is it? And why are you stressing about it? Your natal chart can show this.
5.Your social life
Every person needs something different from their friends. What energy do you value most in your connections and what kind of people best support you on your journey?
6.How you feel, think, and act
Your natal chart shows how you think, what gives you drive, how you handle conflict, and what you need in order to feel comfortable.
and there is so much more...